August 19, 2009

what's new

Not much.

I'm a week away from my due date, which means we WILL have a baby 2 weeks from tomorrow. Or, we could have her before then. As of today, I'm dilated to a 1+ and 50% nothing too telling. I'm just hoping when I go in it's not crowded so I can get a room with a lake view at the hospital!

No name picked out...I'm pretty sure we won't decide until she's actually here. Brady's pretty proud that so many of you voted for Elliott (even though I know about about the cheating that occurred with a few of those votes).

AND....guess what? I WON SOMETHING! I generally am not a lucky person. Things I have won include:

1) a contest in 6th grade for coming up with an anti-drug slogan. Mine was "Cats have 9 lives, you have 1, don't waste it on drugs." Yep, I had to go around to every classroom and hand out the pencils they had made with my clever little saying on it. I was really embarrassed.

2) A pair of shoes. I entered a contest online to win a pair of shoes. 4 months later I came home and there was a box on my porch with my cool, new, all-white ryka walking shoes. Not really my style, but hey, I WON them. They are actually pretty comfy.

3) A blog giveaway. Now that I have more spare time, I sometimes enter blog giveaways if I'd dig the prize. Today I got an e-mail that I won. I was excited, because this time it was something actually cool. I won a gift certificate to The Noble Gnome's etsy store from down and out chic!! I'm excited to pick out what I want...I'm thinking some earrings. This definitely made my day.

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